Friday, September 11, 2009

Roast Blog Update September 2009

FALL 2009-

There are certain people who are blessed with great friends. Others are blessed with a great family or a great community. Still others may be blessed with a fantastic job that they love, great coworkers or a wonderful partner.

I am blessed with all of these things. I get to find and share delicious things, work with talented people who are passionate about what they do, and participate in the craft and ongoing process of feeding and nurturing my community.

I am so grateful for that opportunity. Thank you- to all of our customers who have supported us through what (reportedly) has been one of the worst economic downturns in our collective lifetime.

I am pleased to announce that Black Sheep Coffee Cafe is still here and going strong!
We have several new menu items, more than a few new coffees- new staff- music- events-

Let me share just a few of those with you.


NEW_ Kenya Kirinyaga -
A fully washed, patio dried Kenya from 1800 metres elevation. Red currant, sweet grapefruit, delicious as a light single origin espresso as well.
This one has outcupped some very famous Kenyan coffees with bigger names behind them, so we're pleased to be able to offer some of the best Kenyan coffee of this season at very reasonable prices.

NEW_Costa Rica Helsar Villa Sarchi-

Helsar de Zarcero is located in the West Valley of Costa Rica in the Llano Bonito de Naranjo microregion. This micromill was started by three families with the goal of adding value and providing traceability to the high quality coffee grown on their land. Ten families now work to produce and mill coffee at Helsar de Zarcero. Sustainable practices are used throughout the farm. Organic fertilizers are fermented on-site by mixing coffee cherry pulp and molasses, along with mined zinc, boron, and other minerals. Micro-organisms are cultured from soil collected on nearby mountains and added to the natural fertilizer in order to provide disease protection to the coffee plants. Helsar de Zarcero is committed to producing high quality microlots, and it shows in the cup, which is consistently round, rich, and very sweet. This particular microlot is the Villa Sarchi varietal, which is unique to Costa Rica. It is a mutant of Bourbon that was found in the small town of Sarchi.

NEW Ethiopia Gerbicho Leila- Natural Process Sidamo.

Natural Process- refers to the drying stage- the coffee cherry is picked ripe and allowed to dry whole, in this natural state, until it shrivels like a raisin. The seed is essentially imbued with the character of this process- and can result in some really wild strawberry, lime, and sweet blueberry notes- above and beyond the fermented soil character of the sidamo region.
Really quite bold and sweet- you can smell it brewing across the street...

NEW- Brazil Eulino-

Micro Lot Brazil- clean peanut. I know that doesn't sound like much- but are you a fan of Peanut Butter? The real stuff? Then you know how addictive good peanut butter can be. This is just like that, you'll find yourself surprised at how satisfying it is in its singularity.

Events and happenings- Heatherlyn tonight at the sheep!

Check out our Music blog for more events!

Wedding!- I will be getting married to Ms. Katherine Woodman on September 20th- next sunday- and we will be closing early for the event. We're having a carnival themed party with events, games, mini-donuts and cotton candy and sno cones and corn dogs and more!
Stay tuned for details- and photos.

Website re-launch.

We've decided to take another go at the online store. We're going to put all of our best store retail specials, coffee delivery specials, roasting offers and wholesale catering info back up online in an all new store. Stay tuned for details!

And here are just a couple photos of some of our new desserts. It is, after all, the season for dessert. Don't ask me why. I don't know.

Also- if anyone reading this is also attending the Lebowski festival this weekend- please contact me with any photos or reviews you might have- we're big fans.

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