Brewing now:

Valentine's day Spring Espresso Blend also called BE- MINE Blend.
As an espresso: Spicy, sweet, cuts through milk with smoke and dark cherry.
As a brewed coffee- balanced, sweet, deep chocolate, nuts.
We will be extending our hours to 7:00 P.M. Join us for evening specials-
$1 coffee after 5:00 P.M.!
Yup, recession buster deals in effect. Grab a pick-me up on your way home from work, but remember that the flavor, as well as the caffeine, will boost your spirits.
New Desserts:
Fresh Fruit Tart:
Look at that! Awesome. They're as delicious as they look!

New Coffees:
We are offering a Sumatra Mandheling double picked that is sweet and clean, the best Sumatra I've had since the Lake Tawar 2007. Pronounced green pepper and spice notes, but singularly more clean than Sumatras from last year- great aftertaste.
$12.99 for 14 oz. Also makes a great Single Origin Espresso! Syrupy, smoky, sweet, memorable!
Tanzania Peaberry Songea, very sweet- undeniably sweet, even for the "I just want a plain coffee"- crowd.
Stonefruit, peach, and chocolate notes, especially as it cools. Very creamy, very bright. Great morning coffee- lasts with you all day.
$12.99 for 14 oz. A little too intense as an espresso, but great in blends. Piquant.
We are stocked with Rogue Chocolate for Valentine's day: Three single origin chocolates. Read more about Colin's adventures and fantastic chocolate at

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