Sunday, August 31, 2008.
Roasted more Guatemala, Mexico, and Espresso today, as well as samples of gerbicho leila and Danau Toba.
We are attracting more and more exceptional staff, so that is an incredible bonus to using good equipment and taking coffee seriously.
I'll introduce staff as we go here, but I want to get their permission before putting photos along with personal info up on a blog, as it were.
Results from Espresso Blend Numero Uno-
Our first attempt at a house espresso blend involved Brazil Yellow Bourbon Natural Process from Fazenda Cachoeira, Guatemala FTO from Maya Ixil, and El Salvador Jocotillo.
Surprise, surprise, the El Salvador, although only 15-20% of the blend, was the star, lending a buttery body and caramel aftertaste that defines this particular experiment. I also am going to roast vertical batches of our next experimental blend, with no pre-roast resting to equalize moistures (roasted today) one tomorrow- 24 hours pre-roast blend time- and another on Tuesday- 48 hours.
The idea:
Is there an obvious taste in performance between blends which are allowed to rest before roasting?
The common knowledge says:
DON'T roast blends at all.
IF you have to:
for at least 24 hours.
Since we are the kind of shop that likes to throw conventional wisdom on its head, all in the name of personal growth and the ultimate experience in coffee, we started from scratch.
We had a relationship with one of the best roasters in the country.
We kept that.
We're moving forward.
The New Blend- which I am tentatively calling
Espresso in the fields of the Lord.
Brazil Yellow Bourbon,
Mexico Nayarita
Guatemala Maya Ixil
Sumatra Danau Toba.
This one is a real kick in the pants. Our last batch of Toba was really lovely. Grind a cup and you could smell it across the street. Killer sweetness, with roasted vegetables aftertaste and flirts of citrus.
Flirts of citrus? I must be tired.
Sounds like a great band name though.
at the hot box- Saturday night- all ages!
fLiRTs of CiTRUs!
and following-
Mason Jennings.
I am also wrapping up a set of instructional videos tonight for Terra Keramik. You should be able to view them on sometime next week.
Basic video on Espresso and tamping.
Basic Latte Art.
I really like the format of these, and will continue to make them for staff.

Here is a close-up of some pasta I took for Al from Gindmaster. He's participating in an online forum for pasta lovers. :)
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